Saturday, August 19, 2006

Since we got married, Jess and I haven't had any time home on the weekends. We've been on the road constantly either racing bikes or visiting friends and today was a day we'd both been looking forward to for a while: a Saturday with absolutely no plans on tap.

How'd we spend it?

We went kayaking on the Potomac with Chris, Lindsey, Will, and Liz. It was great fun and quite the workout for my biceps and shoulders. We paddled out from Thompson Boathouse to Memorial Bridge, around TR Island, West on the Potomac along the Cap Crescent Trail and finally back to the boathouse. We ate lunch in Georgetown and then bid farewell to each other. C&L are headed back to Beantown (lucky dogs), Will is headed back to Brooklyn, and Liz is off to England. Have I mentioned Jess leaves for Pittsburgh pretty soon? Everyone's leaving!

After all that paddling, Jess took to taking a lengthy nap, while I stripped the 'cross bike of it's parts and started building it up with my own. I was able to get the brakes mostly sorted out, but had some problems with installing the crank. I generally had fun and it would have been a great way to spend free time had it not been for the third Boston massacre occuring on TV at Fenway Park.

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