Friday, April 07, 2006

Rarely has it been this hard to get up and get on the road. I'm very sore from yesterday's accident and I spent most of the night in and out of sleep. I feel as though I have a cold. My body is weak and tired and I ache all over. Each time I woke up last night, I was covered in sweat. I'd then proceed to freeze and start the cycle over again.

I did manage to get dressed and get out the door by 6:30. It was raining lightly and had I not been so determined to get back on the horse today, I probably would have slept in. But I met Jim at the Java Shack and picked up Reed just after the spiral hill on the Custis Trail. That was the crew. No one else showed up.

I had the good idea of putting on my rear fender before leaving and that saved me from getting soaked to the bone. Instead, I stayed mostly dry with the exception of my feet. I felt good as long as I didn't stand to pedal hard. My left ankle makes that a challenge right now. I feel as though one can get away with a lot more pain riding a bike than he can running. So I powered on.

Jim pedaled away at Key Bridge and I left Reed once we got to Wilson. Today was a good ride to get back on the bike and I'm glad I had a couple guys to keep me from focusing on my aches and pains. Had they not shown, I'd vowed to ride the loop anyway, and had it not been raining, I may have given the commute another try. But I think I can wait till tomorrow before I start doing any longer mileage. Hopefully the weather will be good and I can enjoy a safe and fast team ride.


Anonymous said...

John, Way to get right back on the bike. Glad you're ok.

I was back on my bike 2 days after my vasectomy. Beat that.

John said...

Haha, too much information.

Anonymous said...

...and I did that right in the middle of cross season.

'cause I'm hard core and cross wasn't painful enough.