Thursday, March 09, 2006

I took the day off from work to relax some and pack for Team Camp. I cleaned up a bit, washed all my cycling stuff and packed up my tools and clothes for the trip. I also made a quick dash over to Performance to pick up a pair of road shoes to use with the pedals I'm buying from George. I lucked out and they had one pair of Sidi Zeta's in my size. They are identical in style to my MTB/Cyclocross shoes.

Brad picked me up around 2p and we fought traffic to get out of the metro area and down to Charlottesville. We arrived as one group had just finished a short ride and we decided to get in a few miles of our own. We only had time for about a thirty minute ride, getting in ten miles or so. The terrian is super hilly and the roads are rough, but it is really beautiful out here and great to be away from city traffic. I'm really excited to get rolling with the rest of the guys tomorrow.

Joe Metro was gracious enough to cook Lasagna for the whole crew tonight, so we chowed down on that while watching various guys do repairs to their machines. I got a few valuable pointers and I wish I had more time to pick some of the more mechanically inclined's brains.
~10 miles

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