Sunday, March 19, 2006

I got up bright and early this morning and hit the road at 6:45a looking for miles. Unfortunately, the weather is still cold and I had to deck out in full cold-weather gear. I rode down the hill into Rosslyn and onto the Mt. Vernon Trail. I rode that all the way to Mt. Vernon and back. It's a slower trail than the W&OD because it twists and turns and rolls up and down the entire time. It felt good to be out riding when I knew that most everyone else I race against would be inside sleeping. I had almost fifty miles on 'em before the even rolled out of bed.

After I got back to town, I rode into DC proper and did a lap at Hains Point. At first it was a lot of fun, but then I made the turn and the wind was brutal. The trail was shielded well enough that I hadn't had too much trouble with wind, but once I was out on the point, there was no hiding from it.

I had thoughts of going for sixty, but I decided to head in early instead and enjoy breakfast with Jess and dress for church. Solid ride, great to get some miles in after racing yesterday.
Dist / Time / Avg / Max / Odo
47.84 / 2:48:11 / 17.0 / 32.9 / 413.9

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

indeed, there is no hiding from the wind at hains point. it is a curse, but it can be a blessing. good training to be had. scenic as well, though that is clearly a curse during cherry blossom times.