Friday, December 23, 2005

I'm a few days late on this one, but I just thought I should mention that Johnny Damon is scum. To see a player switch sides in a rivalry like that is just ridiculous. Do the players not care at all about things like that? I guess not. The extra $12 million did the trick. So much for the brawl at Fenway actually meaning something.

I hope you stink up the Yankees centerfield. I hope you can't crack the Mendoza Line. And instead of booing the hell out of you when you return to the Fens, I hope The Nation just turns their back and says nothing. That way your sorry, POS attention grabbing, girly throwing self will get no attention whatsoever. Judas, here's to your first beaning when you step into the plate in Boston. If only I could be there to witness it myself.

On another note, would somebody up in Boston please go get Theo back. With Theo at the helm, I don't think I'd care too much about this. They should have plenty of money to let Theo run the ship now that they don't have that bearded prick. GO SOX!

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