Thursday, July 27, 2006

Since I'm closing in on a month since my last post, I figured it's about time to get back on track (again). A lot has happened in these missed weeks and not all of it cycling-related. So in that sense, I haven't missed much news relating to this blog. But even so, I think it's time to start writing again and maybe I can also get my training back in line at the same time.

Way back on July 16, I got married. I have to admit, the whole ordeal leading up to it was pretty stressful and this blog is testament to the amount of time spent riding my bike over that period. But when the day finally came, it was awesome. It was far and away better than I ever imagined it would be. It truly was a lot of fun. We had so many of our close friends in town and they made that day unforgettable.

After the ceremony, Jess and I escaped South to Manteo, NC on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Being a Tar Heel myself (native, most assuredly not the baby blue kind), it was surprising that this was my first time East of ECTC. We checked out the Wright Brothers stuff in Kill Devil Hills, saw the Lost Colony, and took daytrips to Hatteras, Bodie, and Currituck Lighthouses. But mostly, we relaxed and enjoyed ourselves. Though we both brought along our bikes, we only rode once for about 13 miles together. My conclusion, which has since been supported by plenty of other area riders is that the OBX is not for training.

Perhaps I peaked in fitness sometime just before the wedding, but by the time we got back to Arlington on the 22nd, I think I was just flat out of shape. With the Tour de Toona looming on the horizon at the end of the week, I had to find some modicum of strength for riding. I started things off right was the Coppi Sunday ride, but then only had time to commute once and went into the race having taken several more days off. At least I was fresh!

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