Friday, September 21, 2007

Well, I once again haven't posted in a while. And with it being only 2 days until cyclocross gets started, you might wonder why? Well, after racing in the MIT Alumni Meet (that's running) and riding in the Wilmington Grand Prix (another DNF), a funny thing happened. I'm not sure when or exactly why, but I developed a nasty case of rash/saddle sore. I've been battling that for a little more than two weeks now and I finally had to give up and stay off the bike cold turkey this week. You can imagine what that does to my preparation for Sunday.

I had planned to spend this week getting fully reacquainted with my 'cross bike, but the only time I got was maybe thirty minutes of riding with the boys Wednesday morning at Bluemont. I had trouble with the bike, and remounting on my sore crotch did not make me feel good about riding. I gave up on that and headed for the house.

Writing this post also has me feeling closer than ever to the Bush administration. I feel like I've got to dampen expectations for the start of the season and really move all the benchmarks I'd hope to meet--if not change them entirely. In short, Sunday may be quite embarrassing (not Gonzo-like, I hope). Looking at the start list I can't help but feel out of my element. A few guys from the B's have moved up--so if I was in shape I could take solace in that. But otherwise the start list reads like a Who's Who of elite 'cross racing in our area. It's motivating to be sure, but I can't work miracles. To further complicate matters, I'll be spending Friday evening and Saturday helping with the youth on a church retreat. No biking there either.

So what's the plan? I need to practice dismounts and remounts a lot on raceday and also make sure I get ample rounds on the course. Not only that but I've got to pray that nothing goes wrong with the bike. I've done all the maintenance I know to do, so now we'll have to wait for things to settle out. The bike does look sweet though. I'm also extremely happy with the change in geometry. This bike fits me perfectly.

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